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Polebrook C E Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Remembrance

    Tue 17 Nov 2020

    To commemorate Remembrance Day this year, Polebrook took part in a range of activities and came together in our playground for the 1 minute silence 

    Across school, our topic this term is World War 2 so each class completed activities to remember those who fought for us and enabled us to live our lives freely. 

    Key Stage 1 made some poppy wreaths and put them in our quiet area. 


    Key stage 2 studied the local area and war memorial and made poppies for our World War 2 display. 


    Thank you to those that donated money to the Poppy appeal and bought wristbands and poppies. 

  • Children in Need 2020

    Tue 17 Nov 2020

    Polebrook raised over £324 this year for Children in Need, a staggering amount! We are so proud of the generosity from our pupils and families. Thank you so much! 


    The children (and staff!) came to school dressed in 'Spotacular' outfits and were able to purchase Children in Need merchandise. 


    Our Year 5/6 class created some thoughtful prayers and posters for Children in Need whilst the other classes took part in mental well-being lessons. 


    We all ended the day with the annual Children in Need Duck race with Quackman and Bobbin winning the race!

    Thanks again for all your donations and support for this great cause. 

  • Hot Chocolate with the Head!

    Mon 02 Nov 2020

    Our Hot chocolate with the Head was off to a flying start this half term with lots of children enjoying a warm beverage with Mrs Coulthard! 

    If a child has read every day at home over 4 weeks, they are rewarded with a lovely cup of hot chocolate and the opportunity to spend quality time with our Head Teacher, sharing their love of reading and discussing books they have read.

    We have implemented this session in order to promote a love of reading both at school and at home and we are so impressed with how hard the children (and parents!) have tried to read every single day. 

    Well done everyone! 

    I wonder who will be chosen next time? 

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