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Polebrook C E Primary School


We started the year with our big question ‘What have the Romans done for us?’

Our class text was Romans on the Rampage by Jeremy Strong and this was the inspiration for our writing journey, which was to write a Roman setting description. The children designed and made chariots and found out all about chariot racing. We even watched a real chariot race and got to eat Roman snacks while we supported our teams! 

In science we have been thinking about sound. The children made telephones and were fascinated with how they worked. 

Our next big question that we are focusing on this half term is ‘What makes earth angry?’


We started off by looking at the volcanic eruption in La Palma and then we read Escape from Pompeii to find out all about Mount Vesuvius. 
We made our own volcano and used vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to create our own eruption. To our surprise, we discovered a diary written by Pliny the Elder in AD79. We decided this would be a great idea for our next writing journey and we are going to write our own survival diaries! 

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