Autumn Term
Year 5/6 Lego Competition! We are through to Nationals!
The week before the Christmas break, Lego Club took part in their competition against 10 other schools in our county. They needed to program a robot using specific coding, create an innovation project and present it to a panel of judges and design a logo which was added to a t-shirt. Our team did amazingly well… so well in fact that we came runner’s up of the competition and are through to the England Nationals! We are so proud of the commitment and effort from the children as it is completely child led and they were so brave during the competition! Information regarding Nationals will be available in the new year.
TTRS day!
Blue and Purple class spent the day dressed as Rockstars, inspired by their avatars on TTRS! We competed in epic battles, built board games, wrote rap songs, designed skylines with the purpose of practising our multiplication and division and lots more!
Our big question this term is 'Who were the Ancient Greeks?'
We started our topic with a sparkly start looking at constellations and star signs. Not only did this link to our Ancient Greece topic but it linked to our class text for our first writing journey - 'Who let the gods out?' by Maz Evans.
The children created artwork inspired by their star sign constellations and learnt about the mythology behind the star signs.
The characters in our class text wear Kardias - special amulets which give them immortal powers. To get immerse into our text, each child created their own Kardia and wore them during immersion activities, class debates and role play sessions.