Spring 1
Our big question this term is 'How has Britain changed from the stone age to the iron age?'
The children started the term by reading about the stone age and using their retrieval skills to create a timeline with some key facts.
They then learnt about stone age weapons and made their own from sticks and paper mache. For our writing journey, we are writing instructions so the children are going to write instructions for catching a woolly mammoth. To make sure the children could be specific and draw on their experience we went to our forest school area and had a go at hunting. We had to practice creeping quietly and sneaking up on the mammoth so as not to scare it away to quickly!
The children have been thinking about respect and what a great respectasaurus looks like. They wrote speech bubbles with why respect was important and what it meant to them.
What better way to discover what Stone Age people ate, than to look through their poo!
In RE this term the children have been thinking about the question: What is it like to be a Sikh in Britain today?
They learnt about the Gurus and what Sikhs believe about God. They also learnt about some of the ways Sikhs show their faith such as the 5K's.
The children were lucky enough to go and visit a Gudwara and hear from Mr Singh who had lots of knowledge to share! They were all very respectful and many said the Gudwara made them feel calm and peaceful - especially when they had a go at meditating. We were very surprised that the Guru Granth Sahib had its own bedroom!