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Welcome to

Polebrook C E Primary School

Spring Term

National Lego Competition! 

Our amazing Lego Club team took part in the IET Lego League England and Wales National Championships on Saturday in Harrogate!
The competition focuses on STEM projects including building and programming a robot, creating an innovation project and presenting it to judges and lots more!
There were 62 schools from all across the country and only a handful were primary school age!
We are so proud of our team for showing such dedication and team work. It was an incredible experience for all who went (including the adults!) and we have definitely set the standard for next year!


Master Class with Harry Potter Illustrator!

To celebrate Harry Potter, Purple and Blue Class took part in a live lesson with Harry Potter illustrator Jonny Duddle! We learnt about his career as an illustrator and how he persevered to finally be offered the job to design the book covers for the Harry Potter series. Jonny then showed us how to draw one of the main characters - Hagrid. It was such a challenge as Jonny does this often but the final drawings are amazing! I am so proud of everyone!



Bacteria, Fungi and Viruses!


Purple Class have been looking at different types of micro-organisms and discovering their uses whether they are harmful or useful! 
Then, we created our own micro-organisms using playdough. The children wrote down what their micro-organism was and its uses. 

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