Big Garden Birdwatch
After spending lots of time preparing for it, Purple Class have finally taken part in the Big Garden Birdwatch!
We spent approximately one hour a day, over the course of three days, sitting in different parts of the school grounds and exploring the wildlife around us.
We started off quiet on our first day, only spotting the regular Jackdaws and resident Wood pigeons! But once the birds recognised we had made our feeders - we started to get more and more.
By the end of the week we identified a range of birds and caught some beautiful glimpses through our binoculars of some very colourful birds including blue tits, robins, a woodpecker and even a brave squirrel jumping from one tree to the other!
The children thoroughly enjoyed birdwatching and even completed the event at home too and can now identify birds they see each day through their looks and birdsong.
Putting up our feeders has brought many birds to our school garden including a 'charm' of goldfinches with children counting over 20 in our trees! Our seed is in such demand, we are now checking the feeders and bird bath on a regular basis to keep our bird friends happy.