Blog 2016-2017
Ancient Greece
This term Blue Class have been learning about life in Ancient Greece. The children brought in models that they’d made for homework and we all enjoyed looking at and talking about Greek ships, houses, farms, temples and schools.
River Deep and Mountain High …
This week Blue Class made board games for homework. The games gave the children the opportunity to practice spelling and understand the meaning of some key words in our geography topic about rivers and the features of rivers. We had lots of fun playing each other's games.
Who’s been eating my porridge???
This week Blue Class have been finding out all about how some of the food we eat is produced. We investigated the processes needed to turn oats into porridge and in the food technology part of our topic we tried various ways of enhancing a basic porridge mix. Everybody likes porridge, and raspberries and peaches were top of the toppings!
Q - What should you do if you don’t know the answer to these questions?
What type of tools do you use for bad teeth?
How long does it take to become a dentist?
What is the best things about being a dentist?
What is the worst thing about being a dentist?
What do you do when someone is very nervous?
How many people do you see in a day?
Do many people have tooth decay?
Why do you wear a mask?
Which tools do you use to do a filling?
What does the pink drink do that I have after a check up?
What do you have to be good at if you want to train to be dentist?
A - Invite a dentist to visit your class so that you can ask him!
This week we had a really interesting time asking questions, finding out answers, looking at some very specialised equipment and even getting some free toothpaste. Dr Ricketts very kindly gave up some of his time to come and talk to Blue Class about what it is like to work as dentist.
How does it work?
This week we’ve been getting to grips with writing an explanation of how the human digestive system works. It’s been a big challenge to get better at the literacy aspects of writing an explantion and at the same time learn the science facts we need to write about.
A busy start to the science and maths curriculum in Blue Class this week. We all had fun learning about teeth and place value using unique own home produced board games – everyone had a go at making a science game for homework too!