Autumn 2
Our big question this term is ‘How are the UK and France similar and different?’
We started our topic with a plane journey to Paris. The children made their passports and came to school with their suitcases ready to board the plane. After take off we enjoyed some inflight snacks of croissants. During the day, the children built the Eiffel Tower in teams, learnt some French mime and visited The Louvre where they saw the Mona Lisa and created their own versions. It was a very exciting day!

The children learnt all about persuasive writing and wrote travel brochures for Paris. For our fabulous finish, the children turned our classroom into a travel agents and invited their parents in to try and sell them a holiday.
We had also been investigating how sound travels and the children made telephones with string and cups - they were very excited to show these to their parents too so they made an appearance in our travel agents!