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Welcome to

Polebrook C E Primary School


Polebrook C E Primary School is a member of the Rutland Learning Trust.

Polebrook CE Primary and Glapthorn CE Primary work in close collaboration under the leadership of Executive Headteacher, Mrs. Lou Coulthard.

The similarities between the schools are many and varied and the common ethos allows us to enjoy many benefits that come from working together, sharing expertise and experience and in some cases reducing costs.

To streamline Governance, the Governing Bodies of the two schools have been amalgamated into one Local Governing Body. The LGB is overseen by the Board of Trustees of RLT but remains autonomous, allowing each school to retain its individuality and distinctive character, which we know is so important to all stakeholders.

All our Governors are currently appointed for a term of four years.

Mrs M Waters

Mrs S Wilson




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