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Polebrook C E Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Why can't a meerkat live at the North Pole?

    Thu 06 Feb 2020

    Earlier this month, Green Class had a fabulous time visiting Hamerton Zoo for the "Sparkling Start" to their new topic "Why can't a meerkat live at the North Pole?"

    Not only did they have great fun observing the meerkats and learning about their lives, but also watching other wild animals first hand and discovering interesting facts about them.

    Particular favourites were the tigers, cheetahs, camels and flamingos.

    Many thanks to FOPS and cakes for coaches for subsidizing the trip, giving all the children the opportunity participate in this wonderful experience.


  • Great team work at the basketball tournament

    Thu 06 Feb 2020

    Our Year 4 and 5 children have had the opportunity to polish up their basketball skills this term, practising at break times and lunchtimes. 

    Eight children volunteered to play for our Year 4 & 5 team and went along to the Cluster Competition at Prince William School on Wednesday after school.

    All the team played extremely well and were great ambassadors for the school with their sportsmanship. After some challenging matches, we achieved a well earned second place.

     Well done, we're very proud of you all!

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