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Polebrook C E Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Purple Class visit The Space Centre

    Mon 15 Oct 2018

    Last week, Purple Class went on a fantastic trip to the Leicester Space Centre.

    During the trip, the children got to experience what life is like for an astronaut in the Sir Patrick Moore 360 degree planetarium, travel around the planets, explore the universe and examine real life rockets and moon rock!

    These are just a few of the incredible things the children experienced. As always the children were great ambassadors of Polebrook and most children can’t wait to go back to the centre in their own time.

  • Peter Burrow visits our school

    Wed 10 Oct 2018

    The children had a surprise visitor in assembly on Friday 'Peter Burrow' the mascot from Peterborough United Football Club. The coach did a talk on the club and the game. Then our Years 3- 6 were treated to a football skills session.

  • Cross Country Competition 2018

    Mon 01 Oct 2018

    Last week over 30 pupils of Polebrook School, went to Prince William School to compete in the cluster Cross Country Competition and were very successful! 

    All children tried their best in each race from Year 1's competing all the way up to Year 6 children giving it their all! Each race was incredibly challenging with all pupils needing to complete at least one lap of the enormous PWS field. Every child completed their race and didn't give up at any point. It was lovely to see the children supporting not only each other but pupils from other schools too. 


    As always Polebrook were amazing with two children coming 1st, one 2nd and lots of others in the top 10 - well done everybody! 

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