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Polebrook C E Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Year 4 and 5 Basketball Tournament

    Thu 31 Jan 2019

    Well done to our Year 4 and 5 Basketball team for all their efforts in Wednesday's tournament at PWS. They faced some tough competition however the team spirit remained high. Thank you to all that took part you, you are a credit to school.

  • Brass morning at school

    Wed 30 Jan 2019

    What a lovely treat our children had this morning.

    We had visitors to school from the NMPAT Brass Team for a musical recital.

    The musicians played some fun pieces and the children got to learn all about the different instruments and sounds they make.

    Our current brass players got to create an instrument using a mouth piece, sections of hosepipe and a funnel!

    Then a number of children got to have a go making a sound with a mouth piece and hose with the rest of the audience acting as the percussion.

    A great time was had by all and inspired many current and future brass players.

    Thank you to the NMPAT Brass Recital team for an inspiring morning.

  • Year 3 and 4 Sportshall Athletics

    Mon 14 Jan 2019

    On the first Wednesday back, a team from school entered the Year 3 and 4 Sportshall Athletics in Oundle competing against over schools in the cluster group. They took part in events such as the standing long jump, speed bounce,target throw, chest push basketball and shuttle run.

    Each competitor gave 100% effort and have been complimented by one of the organisers for their excellent behaviour. Well done to all that competed.

  • A message from the charity 'Support Dogs' to you all

    Fri 04 Jan 2019

    On behalf of Support Dogs, I am writing to thank you for raising a wonderful £245.82 at your nativity and carol service. Your kindness and support of our charity is hugely appreciated.

    By choosing to donate to Support Dogs, you are helping to improve the quality of life for children,adults and families living with physical disabilities, autism and epilepsy. Your donation will help people feel confident, safe and able to lead active and more independent lives.

    Your donation will help us to provide 24/7, 365 days a year to our amazing support partnerships and train more dogs that will go on to transform the lives of those affected by autism, epilepsy and physical disability.

    All of our income comes from voluntary donations so without the kindness and generosity of supporters like you, we would not be able to continue our work.

    Thank you again from all those whose lives are improving as a result of your wonderful support.

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