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Polebrook C E Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Children in Need

    Fri 15 Nov 2019

    Another busy and fun day at Polebrook raising money for Children in Need. 

    Everyone had made an effort in dressing up with something spotty and even a few Pudsey's were spotted around the school!

    Purple class organised games at break times and sold Pudsey merchandise.

    At lunch break the children had a Pudsey party followed by a Pudsey duck race at the end of the day.

    We raised and incredible £252.23.

    Thank you to everyone for you generous donation and it was lovely to hear of children donating their own pocket money.

  • KS1 Sports hall athletics

    Thu 14 Nov 2019

    Yesterday, ten of our Year 1 and 2 children gave up their time after school to represent Polebrook in the Sports Hall athletics competition held at Prince William School. This is an event held for all the cluster schools.

    Our children tried so hard and gave it their best in each event and overall the team finished in a fantastic 2nd place.

    Congratulations to all the children for your outstanding behaviour and being great ambassadors for Polebrook Primary School.

    The school were also given the Sports Games Gold plaque for 2018/2019 for continuing to offer a broad sporting curriculum.

    A big thank you goes to our Sports Crew who gave up their break times to help coach our team and also to our parents for transporting and supporting the children.

  • The Ancient Egyptians have arrived!

    Thu 07 Nov 2019

    Purple Class are celebrating their topic with an Ancient Egyptian themed Day.

    This morning they are have started off with a ‘mummy’ dance and have designed cartouches which have their names written in hieroglyphs and they have created some papyrus!

    Next they will be creating Egyptian jewellery, having a ‘best wrapped mummy’ competition, making some Ancient Egyptian sweets and ending the day with a Pharaoh Feast!

  • Blue class are Romans for the day

    Tue 05 Nov 2019

    What a great day for Blue Class and all the children and Mrs Bryant got into character and dressed for the occasion.

    In morning the children built Roman aqueducts and tested with water! Then they created edible Roman roads.

    In the afternoon the class created mosaics and then all became archaeologists and studied the Roman artefacts boxes Mrs Bryant collected from Oundle museum.

    I am sure they will all had plenty to talk about later and hopefully full of knowledge of life as a Roman.

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