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Polebrook C E Primary School

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • KS2 Northampton Saints Visit

    Fri 15 Jun 2018

    On Friday, the whole of KS2 went on a trip to the Northampton Saints stadium to take part in a range of rugby games and for a tour of the grounds.

    We were met by one of the coaches (who also plays for the Hearing impaired England Rugby team) and he took us out to the Saints training grounds where the children’s athleticism was to put the test as they played a range of rugby games. It was fantastic to see every child taking part and every child had a part to play in each activity.


    After a morning of games and lunch, we were taken on a tour of the Northampton Saints grounds and we were able to sit in the most expensive box in the stadium, visit away both the away and home team changing rooms, trophy room and the gym that the players use when in training – it was here we met player Tom Wood!

    The staff at Northampton Saints were so incredibly welcoming and accommodating, both children and staff thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the trip. The coach was really enthusiastic and determined to make sure every child left with a smile on their face – which they all did! We can’t wait to return in the future!


  • Swimming Gala 2017/2018

    Mon 04 Jun 2018

    Just before half term, members of Blue and Purple Class took part in the annual Year 5/6 Swimming Gala held at Corby Swimming Pool. 

    The Gala includes schools from all across Northamptonshire and a total of 16 schools attended this year. Each school chose a team of 8 and children competed in races. Our team spent weeks preparing for the Gala by attending training sessions with Mrs Speirs and Mrs Johnson at Oundle Pool. As a school we did very well indeed, especially with some of our team being Year 4 pupils! The team were excellent ambassadors of Polebrook and we can't wait to go again next year!

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