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Polebrook C E Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Dance Extravaganza

    Fri 25 May 2018

    What a treat our audience had on Monday when all the years, from Reception to Year 6 performed a routine that they have been learning in their dance lesson. There was also a  and a performance from the dance club. 

  • A Royal Picnic

    Mon 21 May 2018

    Friday saw our children arriving to school in a vast array of red, white and blue and at lunch all the school had a ‘Royal Picnic’

    The weather was very kind to us and the children had lots of fun.

    Congratulations to the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex from everyone here at Polebrook Primary School.

  • Year 3 and 4 Hockey Tournament

    Fri 11 May 2018

    Thursday, our Year 3 and 4 Hockey Team compete in a tournament held at Prince William School.

    It was a very warm day for the players to be running around on the pitch and they played seven back to back games.

    They all played with enthusiasm and team spirit and a great time was had by all.

    Thank you to players, coach and supporters.

  • Blue Class Learn about the Muslim Faith

    Thu 10 May 2018

    Blue Class had an inspirational trip to Faizan E Madina Mosque in Peterbrough.

    Learning about other world faiths is an important element of the RE curriculum and external visits provide context for the children and enrich their learning experience.

    The children enjoyed learning about the ways Muslims worship and the similarities between their religious customs and our own. The building was beautiful with colourful and rich decoration throughout. The children enjoyed meeting the Imam who welcomed us and acted as our guide throughout the tour.

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