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Polebrook C E Primary School

Purple Class visit the Tutankhamun exhibition

Yesterday, Purple Class were transported back to ancient times as we explored the findings of Tutankhamun’s infamous tomb at the Saatchi Gallery in London.

The trip include a workshop where the children made replicas of artefacts that were found inside Tutankhamun’s sarcophagus and a self-guided tour around the exhibit.


The entire exhibit was over two floors and full of video footage from the historical discovery by Howard Carter as well as maps and descriptions for everything that was found. We were all mesmerised and overwhelmed at the treasures and some couldn’t believe the artefacts were real! All children were true ambassadors of Polebrook, their behaviour was outstanding and we were so proud to watch them going round the exhibit looking amazed.

Thank you so much for parents and FOPs for this incredible opportunity that will be with the children (and adults) forever!

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