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Polebrook C E Primary School

Purple Class Science Visit

Purple Class were invited to take part in Oundle School Science Week and spent the morning in a blow-up planetarium and making rocket cars!


The planetarium was brought to the school by colleagues from Imperial College London and inside the dome, a projection of space filled all of the walls and ceiling and it felt as if we were travelling through space! We got to see all of the planets in our solar system as well as star constellations and galaxies.


Next we were taken to one of the science labs where engineers from the Bloodhound project at University Swansea told us about their project to try and beat the land speed record. The children then needed to become engineers themselves and build their very own rocket cars! Once they were built, the children went out into the car park where their cars had a rocket attached to them and were then ignited to see how fast the cars could go – one of ours set a speed of over 43mph!


It was a fantastic opportunity and the children of Purple Class thoroughly enjoyed themselves and it has inspired some of our pupils to want to become scientists and engineers when they are older!

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