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Polebrook C E Primary School

Polebrook achieve GOLD

We have fantastic news to share!


Polebrook CE Primary School have been awarded a GOLD award by the Artsmark


This is a super achievement and we would like to thank everyone involved especially Mrs McIntosh and FOPS friends of polebrook school


Please see below a section from our report


Polebrook Primary School has used Artsmark thoughtfully and strategically to further embed its existing commitment to the arts as an important stimulus for good quality teaching and learning.


Your values and ethos speak to the idea of creativity being a driver for children, helping them to engage in learning and also stay enthused about being at school. This sense of children as active learners fits very well with the arts and you have reflected on this and used it to good effect.


Highlights have included having a professional gardener co-create a new reflective space with children, parents and the wider community. Children now actively manage this space, as well as use it as a learning resource.


Also, building the capacity of your very receptive staff who have embraced new challenges and positively defined them as development opportunities. This has led to you establishing a revised art curriculum and regular designated staff meetings for arts ensuring collective responsibility for the provision and opportunities for CPD. You also have trained ArtsAward advisors in school too.


You have used Artsmark as a route to more collaboration with the wider community and that has strengthened your partnerships and boosted chances to perform at community festivals and celebrations.


It is clear that a good level of arts activity within and beyond the curriculum are well established at your school.


Strengths include Cultural Collaborations and CPD. You have used partnerships and connections beyond the school to widen your circle of engaged participants, so that the arts have become a means of learning well for children, but also a bridge to involve artists, parents and the wider community.

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