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Polebrook C E Primary School

Year 3 and 4 go to Young Voices 2020

After months of build-up and rehearsals the day of the Young Voices finally came. Children in Blue Class took part at the World Resorts centre (formally the NEC) in Birmingham.


Everyone was feeling slightly nervous as they did not know what to expect but once they arrived for the afternoon’s rehearsals all those butterflies flew away and the children relaxed and enjoyed the moment. The children became part of a mass choir of over 6000 children for the evening!

It was an amazing day and the children did us proud. They had a lot to learn, but all the hard work paid off as every single child sang their heart out! They got to sing with Ruti, Tony Hadley and The Shires, but the highlight of the night was getting to watch the parents show off their moves with the dance group Urban strides!

Thank you to all the parents for allowing your child to take part and to those parents that were fortunate to go to watch and those who have helped their children learn all the songs.  

Thank you also to Mrs Bryant and Mrs Coulthard for supporting the children on the day and lots of admiration from pupils and parents for your continued singing and dancing!


We are super proud of all the children that took part, and hope that will be an experience that will stay with them forever!

We can’t wait for the next one!


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