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Welcome to

Polebrook C E Primary School

Celebrating our Community

House Captains 

Our School has 4 Houses - St George, St Andrew, St David and St Patrick. 
Each house is represented by a House Captain who supports their team throughout the school day. They are also responsible for helping to lead our celebration assemblies, add up house points and showcase our Learning Dinosaur stars!

School Council

Across each year group, children presented posters showcasing their amazing skills and reasons why they should be part of School Council. Then, each year group voted democratically and chose their School Council representatives! The amount of children who wanted to be part of school council was staggering! 

Collective Worship Group's Assembly 

Our fabulous worship group led our collective worship this week with a focus on the creation story and organised the assembly themselves! They chose the Bible story, the song, the prayer and created a PPT and actions to go with the story!

They were incredible at getting all the children (and staff) to join in, making it an interactive and engaging worship. 
Well done to you all - it was so great! 

Carol Service at our Local Care Home 

MLK class went out into the community to spread a little Christmas joy and sang at the care home this week. They sang absolutely beautifully and were fantastic Polebrook ambassadors. I know the residents really enjoyed it, well done. 


Remembrance Day 
The children took part in a Remembrance craft day this year, creating beautiful poppies from recycled bottles (thank you for the donations!) and other craft activities. There was a wonderful display outside school. On Remembrance Day, the children went down to the Cenotaph in Polebrook Village and took part in a one minute silence to remember those that fought in wars of the past and those that are fighting in wars around the world today. We then read some prayers which MLK had written from our School Prayer book. 


Children in Need 

Thank you so much for your donations to Children In Need today. We have raised over £250, which is very impressive for a small school! The children have had a wonderful day in non-uniform, taking part in a range of exciting activities led by Miss McBlain and MLK Class! Thanks to FOPS for painting Pudsey spots!


Celebrating Diwali 
The whole school took part in celebrating the Hindu festival of Diwali! We learnt all about the story of Rama and Sita and the victory of good over evil. We created elephants using our hand prints, lanterns as a symbol of light and created Hindu tilakas too! 


Remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 
As a school, have been commemorating the Queen and have written some beautiful, heart-warming messages, prayers and thanks which you can read on our Queen Elizabeth memory board. Each child also wrote in Polebrook Church’s Book of Condolence and some of the children went down to the church with one of our Governors to add our pages to the book.

Queen Elizabeth's memory 2022

Celebrating Diwali 2022

Remembrance Day 2022

Children in Need 2022

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